NATO codification system
NATO codification system
NATO codification system
The NATO Codification System (NCS) is a comprehensive complex of international agreements, standards, procedures, data elements and electronic transactions, creating a uniform, internationally understandable system (language) for the identification, classification and numbering of supply items, used by NATO armed forces, but also by some non-member countries Alliance - NCS users. The NATO codification system is based on coalition standardization agreements that were ratified in the Czech Republic in December 1999.
The NCS is governed by a Group of Directors of National Codification Authorities referred to as the NATO AC/135 Committee. The role of the secretariat and the support of this system is provided by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The US Codification Office plays a significant role in maintaining the code system.
The use of NCS is not limited to NATO member states. As part of the TIER 1 and TIER 2 partnership program, this system is also used by non-NATO countries.